Ramjas International School

R. K. Puram, New Delhi

Admission Notification for 2025 -2026

Classes KG onwards (other than Nursery)

Ramjas International School is offering limited seats for Classes KG to XII. Interested parents can apply for admission to their ward.

* Assessment Interaction will be conducted for admission to class KG

** Admission Test followed by an interaction will be conducted for admission to Classes I onwards.

Admission Procedure

1. Online Registration Form to be filled and registration fees of INR 25/- to be paid online. (Click to fill the form)

2. After registration form is submitted online, following will be done as per the schedule given on the website.

  • Admission test will be conducted (Kindly contact the School for the date for the admission test.)
  • Intimation of Admission formalities, via email only, from the School to the selected students
  • Completion of Admission formalities by the parents

General Instructions:

Before filling the form, please read the instruction carefully

S. No. Class Age Criteria (born between)
1 Class - KG 01 March 2020 and 30 April 2021
2 Class – I 01 April 2019 and 31 March 2020
3 Class – II 01 April 2018 and 31 March 2019
4 Class – III 01 April 2017 and 31 March 2018
5 Class – IV 01 April 2016 and 31 March 2017
6 Class – V 01 April 2015 and 31 March 2016
7 Class – VI 01 April 2014 and 31 March 2015
8 Class – VII 01 April 2013 and 31 March 2014
9 Class – VIII 01 April 2012 and 31 March 2013
10 Class – IX 01 April 2011 and 31 March 2012
11 Class – X 01 April 2010 and 31 March 2011
12 Class – XI 01 April 2009 and 31 March 2010
13 Class – XII 01 April 2008 and 31 March 2009

Points to Note:

1. You are advised to fill in only one form. Duplicate/Multiple registrations will be summarily rejected.

2. You need to click/fill appropriate field.

3. The name of the applicant, father's name/mother's name, date of birth, etc. should be spelled/written correctly in the form as it appears in the relevant certificates/documents.

4. It is mandatory to fill all fields which are marked (*) in red. If any field is not applicable to you, please write NA (Not Applicable).

5. You may upload the documents, as applicable (Max Size of each document is 1 MB) Passport size photograph of the child is mandatory to be uploaded while filling the form. Please ensure that the size of the photo must not exceed 1 MB and there MUST BE NO spaces in the filename of the documents to be uploaded.

6. Please ensure correctness of data. Mobile No. and Email ID filled under Residence Address in the form will be used for further communication.

7. On final submission of the registration form, you will be redirected to the payment page for paying the registration fees of Rs. 25/-.

8. Registration Number will only be generated upon successful payment of registration fees. An email will be sent to the registered Email ID along with the copy of submitted form.

9. Filling of form does not guarantee admission. The School Administration reserves the right to offer admission to meritorious applicants only, subject to availability of vacant seat in respective class.

10. Once the registration form is submitted, no changes in the entries will be entertained thereafter.

11. Admission Test / Interaction will be conducted by School and selected students will be informed via email only.

12. Parents to complete admission formalities as per selection mail.

List of documents to be submitted at the time of Admission (if selected)

1. Printed copy of the online registration form

2. Self-attested copy of Birth Certificate

3. Self-attested copy of Report Card of the previous class of the Child

4. Self-attested copy of the Proof of Residence (Aadhar Card / Ration Card / Voter Card/Electricity Bill/Passport)

5. Self-attested copies of the Aadhar Card of the child and both parents

6. Original Transfer Certificate from previous School (for admission to class II onwards)

7. Fees as to be paid at the time of admission

Tentative fee structure for 2025-2026 (subject to revision)

Fee Details Payable KG - I II - VII VIII - X XI - XII
Registration Fee (To be paid online while filling up the registration form) One Time 25 25 25 25
Admission fees (One time at the time of admission) One Time 200 200 200 200
Tuition fee (per month) Monthly 9,100 10,100 9,100 8,600
Development Fees (per month) Monthly 900 900 900 900
Annual Fee (per annum) Half yearly 20,400 21,600 18,000 18,000
Amount to be paid at the time of Admission (Fee for 03 months) INR 40,400 INR 44,000 INR 39,200 INR 37,700